Friday, February 12, 2010

A week in review

Good: I'm making a quilt. This is the beginning. Aren't you impressed?

Better: I bought Trent Settlers of Catan for his birthday. He is obsessed! Thankfully I win almost every game, but we have definitely enjoyed playing. He is also into teaching all our neighborhood teenage boys how to play, which has been quite entertaining for everyone...they definitely did not grow up with "board game playing families" so this is quite an interesting cultural shift.

Best: Best Yet Market opened this week. For the first time since I have moved to NYC I have a grocery store within easy walking distance of our apartment (i.e. in the bottom of our apt building!) I cannot tell you how happy this has made me. After months and months of anxiously awaiting the finishing of the construction (the jackhammer was incredibly loud and day after day of hearing this in my apartment was enough to drive anyone crazy) it felt like christmas the first time I walked through the grocery store. I have never been this excited to go grocery shopping in my life! Now I don't have to spend all day getting meat from the lower east side, produce from the upper west side, and groceries from non-new yorkers should interpret that to mean a good 2 miles of walking from place to place while carrying as many groceries as my poor little arms (and back) can handle. Needless to say, I am thrilled about this new little place, now our 20 person dinner parties can be shopped for in comfort and peace!

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